Exploit the Value of Precious Metals by Trading and Ensure their Future Through Recycling

Precious Metals continue to experience strong demand, with Gold being highly sought after, though its reserves may face some challenges. So, sell unwanted Jewellery to a dealer that practices recycling. While these sought-after metals are predominantly used by Jewellery manufacturers, they also serve various essential roles in many other industries. The yellow metal, for example, is prized for its exceptional…

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An Investment in Bullion is the Smart Way to Secure a Prosperous Future for Your Family

While share prices are frequently subject to unpredictable fluctuations, Bullion has maintained an overall upward trend and is favoured by many investors. The stock market is similar to a lottery. For a small investment, the latter could earn you a seven-figure jackpot. However, you would need to invest far more in a share portfolio to have a chance at such…

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The Rise of the Krugerrand Coin in the Global Bullion Market

A decision by the South African government opened the Bullion market to private investors, and here’s how the iconic Gold Krugerrand coin transformed investment. Before 1967, investing in Gold was limited to purchasing shares or those outsized Bullion bars usually stored in armoured vaults. Essentially, this meant that only governments, banks and the wealthier members of society were in a…

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How and When to Invest in Precious Metals

The stock market’s history has been one of overnight bonanzas and collapses. This volatility has prompted more cautious buyers to invest in Precious Metals. Humans have prized the natural beauty of Gold and Silver for millennia. Initially, they were used to create Jewellery, ornaments and other decorative items and were seen by the general public as symbols of power and…

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How the Krugerrand Coin Transformed the South African Precious Metals Market

The third of July, 1967, sparked a transformation in South Africa’s Precious Metals market. That Monday marked the launch of the iconic Krugerrand coin. The move was a strategy of the South African government to boost Gold sales. However, it’s unlikely they could have anticipated the extent of the impact this Gold coin for sale would have on the world…

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